Saturday 27 July 2013


Admit it, most of us are longing for our pre-baby body back. Not all of us has a body of Miranda Kerr or other famous individuals that after giving birth *poof* their body bounces back to its previous state.

They say breastfeeding and gradually resuming exercise help moms lose weight. But what about those mothers that underwent CS delivery and those that weren't able to breastfeed? Well, I'm one of them, I only did two weeks. My little one had some trouble latching and wasn't able to get more than he needs. So I tried pumping, but my milk didn't exceed 2oz on every pump and eventually my supply stopped. I also underwent CS and was told not to exercise after at least 6 months. 

I felt big and bloated from the pregnancy weight that I gained. So waited 6 months or so to do my exercises, I tried one session of pole fitness and did some yoga. It's true what Elle Woods said, "Exercise gives endorphins, endorphines make you happy", and I felt better. 

When the little one is more mobile, the "chasing exercise" comes in. You don't have to go the gym or wherever to exercise especially if you're a full time mom without a nanny. There are plenty of exercises you can do with your baby. I took that opportunity to exercise and at the same time, it's also a bonding between the two of you. The little monster is now 2 and he's a bit rough, he wrestle me almost every morning, and when at night he can't sleep he wants me to carry him so it's like I'm lifting 32 lbs. It's good to start exercising with your baby as early as you can because same with lifting, you start with light weights  then increase it eventually. 

I'm not saying I'm now a hot momma, but my goal was to wear my pre-baby clothes again and now I can, well not all but most of it. I still have my baby bump, little monster's dad said it's because of the stretched skin but I'm still working on it :)

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