Tuesday 30 July 2013


This one is a long overdue post. Last March we celebrated little monster's 2nd birthday in the happiest place on earth which I'll be blogging separately.

So, it's Joaquin's first time to travel, and I'm lucky my mom is with me. We used to travel when I was little and I consider her a pro when it comes to traveling with a child, actually she's a pro in everything I can think of! 

When we finalize that we were traveling, I heard advices like some people told me I can use Benadryl so he would be drowsy during the flight to avoid angry stares when he gets cranky and starts screaming, while my mom advised me to just let him drink water or milk from time to time to help the ears pop especially during take off and landing. Of course I took my mom's advice; one, because she is my mother, she speaks from experience and two, I am not comfortable giving meds to the little monster unless he really needs it. 

Saturday 27 July 2013


Admit it, most of us are longing for our pre-baby body back. Not all of us has a body of Miranda Kerr or other famous individuals that after giving birth *poof* their body bounces back to its previous state.

They say breastfeeding and gradually resuming exercise help moms lose weight. But what about those mothers that underwent CS delivery and those that weren't able to breastfeed? Well, I'm one of them, I only did two weeks. My little one had some trouble latching and wasn't able to get more than he needs. So I tried pumping, but my milk didn't exceed 2oz on every pump and eventually my supply stopped. I also underwent CS and was told not to exercise after at least 6 months. 


I never really learned how to cook real foods, I don't know how's that but it's either burnt or a bit raw (I know, what is wrong with me? ha ha). Little monster is lucky his dad knows how or else we'll all starve! Anyways, I may not be good in cooking, but I compensate with desserts... well BASIC desserts ;-)

Thursday 25 July 2013


Lately, I've been doing doodles before making his "#wackysartattack" as we "hashtagged" it in Instagram (want to see more? follow me, @iamstubborn). I want to have compilations of the idea before making them.

I spent more time fixing the house and punching colored papers for the balloons. Unfortunately, my puncher is not functioning properly, it would be better if I did more. Either way, I'm quite happy with the outcome.

Tuesday 9 July 2013


It's been a while since my last sleeping art attack with the little monster, and I'm maximizing all the time before he's not so little anymore. Here are some from the past few days.