Wednesday 2 December 2015


Since it's the Christmas season and we have been practicing reading, we passed by Booksale. We were able to get 4 books for Php 15 each! Now we have more books to read during the holiday :)

Monday 21 September 2015


 This is the first time that the Little Monster painted on canvas all by himself! :) 

Monday 31 August 2015


Because were still on Inside Out high (and we love Bing Bong!) I thought of another project where in this one scene of the movie, Bing Bong, Sadness and Joy were an abstract 2D. For this ARTernoon, our Tornado will be putting together the cut out papers that I made, very easy to do and also fun to talk about the movie about what they remembered and how they understood the story.

Sunday 30 August 2015


I got hooked painting on these cute square canvases that after seeing the movie, Inside Out this August I immediately thought of painting the emotions. This time my Little Monster was not in the mood for painting and asked me to paint his favourite character, Anger. Since the pack included 3 canvases I decided to paint Sadness and Joy too. I used Dong-A Poster Colors which can be found in any National Book Store.

Sunday 2 August 2015


While browsing in one of our favourites, National Book Store, I saw a pack of 3 small flat square canvas (at first I didn't have any idea what to paint on it but thought, I'm sure I'll come up of something before we arrive home). Since I didn't know much about painting - which brush should I get, which paint or other materials I need, I opt to get a set that has 1 canvas with a pirate print, 5 poster colors and a brush.

Friday 31 July 2015


Since I started working again, we weren't able to do much art projects recently and we have also been pre-occupied with other things lately. So I thought, do something easy that will also keep the little monster busy and sit still.

I just made square cut outs then penciled his name on the paper and told him to use those squares to spell out his name. 

Wednesday 25 March 2015


We just started practicing last September and these exercises really helped him how to write. Good thing his Lala gave him this board with non-permanent marker to practice on. The board has letters, numbers and shapes. There are broken lines to trace too, great for kids who are just starting to learn how to write. 

Saturday 21 March 2015

LEGO for Fine Motor Skills

For a couple of months now, we have been into Legos and I find this activity very helpful in developing his fine motor skills. Aside from that, we also practice segragating colors and following directions when building a themed Lego while letting his imagination run wild with the classic bricks.